Friday, March 25, 2011

She Is A Pig. Plain And Simple.

   So let's start with my abhorrence for this..... THING!
      I was whatever when she came out as a lesbian. I'm a-okay with lesbians. My two best friends are practically engaged, and they're lesbians (its really cute <3). But anyways, so she came out as a lesbian. Chopped off her hair, dated chicks, even wrote poems and stuff about lesbians. The sick CHILD even wrote about lesbian smut, which I look down on any kind of smut.
   So while she's.... out there... being a "lesbian" Winter Formal comes around and as always there's drama at dances. My best friend and I, watch as she is dancing, and what do we see? The female is practically having sex on the god damn dance floor! She's grinding on GUYS! Correct me if I am wrong, but don't lesbians generally NOT like penis? Is that not why they are LESBIANS?! I mean I even asked if she "switched sides" which she got all offensive, ran away, and had her friend attack me on FACEBOOK. Her friends were defending her when she RAN AWAY from a QUESTION! If you cant defend your reasons for your causes, then why do you proclaim you're something you're not? So me and my best friend decided she was a fake and, well, she's dirty. She's not even human in my eyes. She's a fake and an attention whore, nothing more.

     Now, let's talk about him. He's the sweetest guy out there, when he's not being a player. Ive been hearing rumors that he might have a THING for..... IT! I am appalled at this! Why would he, the Romeo sort, go for a THING such as that?! It makes no damn sense!!!! And to add on to that, he might choose HER over ME! I'm true to myself, I have goals and morals, I'm prettier, and I have self-respect. Yeah, maybe I'm not as "bubbly and outgoing" as her but that's because I know the different times of when to be silly and when to be mature.

    So. I'm completely befuddled by all of this. It just doesn't make sense. And I'm sorry, but if he chooses her over me, then I will loose ALL respect for him. I KNOW he could do better than this. And I'm not asking him to commit himself to me, no, I already have a lover. But for him to even consider loving her versus me, when he and I have had a PAST, that bothers me! I just don't understand why he would possibly want to see her in that fashion! SHE IS DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!! LIKE PUKE MY BRAINS OUT DISGUSTING!!!!!! Ugh!!!!
     That's all I have to say. Goodnight.
                             - Silver

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